Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 06 - A Song That Reminds Me of Somewhere

"Fluorescent Adolescent" by Arctic Monkeys- This day of the challenge was harder than I expected. Maybe that is why it's called a challenge. I guess I don't really associate songs with places. If there's a song I like, I listen to it everywhere. I tried to think of particular songs that I listened to a lot while on a trip and couldn't come up with anything.

Then, out of nowhere, I remembered a trip to the beach I took with my boyfriend, Jason, a few years ago. The trip wasn't especially memorable but this song had just come out and was getting played over and over on the radio. Now, I think of the beach whenever I hear it.

*Update 4/17/11*
I just realized that this could be read as a dig on Jason or the beach because I say the trip wasn't memorable. It's not a dig. We go to the beach every year and it's always a great time, I just don't remember the specifics of this particular trip.

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